Utterly mean and jealous
Monday, March 17, 2008

Being as observant and perceptive of my surroundings (particularly those that are happening in my campus), I had noticed a fe
w odd things which I'm pretty sure is NOT only occurring as of late but possibly for quite some time.

It's been bothering me lately and I couldn't resist writing about it. I don't know if other people noticed but I did.

Let me explain it.

-- Insert situation

(stylishandpretty passes a group of girls)
greenwithenvy: (points to stylishandpretty) "Ugh. Just look her. Don't you think she's going overboard? Printed tights, ankle boots and a leather jacket? In school?"
jealousbi-otch:" Yeah, who does she think she is? A fashionista? Ugh. So trying hard."
It is in MY own words defined as utterly mean and jealous.

Just because a girl was BOLD enough to wear those clothes to school doesn't give you the permission to trash talk about her. It only means you're
envious. PATHETIC, really. Some people criticize others about how they wear when they themselves aren't that even fashionable. Who do THEY think they are?

I, myself, am not gonna deny that I do criticize other people's choice of clothes. But, I do NOT criticize them for being bold or for following this season's fashion trends.

It's plain ridiculous.

Who cares if she's trying to be Paris Hilton, Mischa Barton or whoever. Who cares if she stands out in the crowd. Those girls are only jealous that people like her are the center of attention.

It's her choice. Her own unique style.

And, we have NO permission to judge people like her.


(image source:


posted at 7:40 PM

♥♥ | ♥♥


'Sweet Cravings' is a collection of my moments in life, interests and thoughts on fashion.
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The Brat

++ I am brutally honest on my opinions (at most times, I can't hold my tongue) ++ I rant relentlessly about any topic I seem to get a hold on. ++ I adore fashion to bits (though, I still have a lot to learn).++

I am called as Spoiled Brat.
because, I act like one.

Call me, SB.

(I'm feeling: The current mood of littlepinkdevil at www.imood.com)

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