Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In an ironic turn of events, I had decided to become one of those list-writing-obsessed people.


Yes, my newest hobby.

Though it is something I usually wouldn't do nor even try to be, this could very well make me realize insignificant things I hadn't had a moment to think for.

First agenda, I'll make it simple first.


10 random facts about me
1. has been a caffeine-addict since 15 (My dearest coffee...How, I love you.)
2. a shopaholic
3. very, very critical
4. owns lots of cute cuddly stuff toys who each have a given name (yes, ALL of them)
5. has the slightest tendency to admire one's self in the mirror
6. usually misunderstood as a snob (I'm not, I swear)
7. acts silly when no one's looking
8. never gets tired of reading fashion magazines (favorite past time)
9. too meticulous when it comes to caring for the hair
10. Is NOT a self-proclaimed spoiled brat (that title has been unanimously agreed by my friends)

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posted at 12:04 AM

♥♥ | ♥♥


'Sweet Cravings' is a collection of my moments in life, interests and thoughts on fashion.
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The Brat

++ I am brutally honest on my opinions (at most times, I can't hold my tongue) ++ I rant relentlessly about any topic I seem to get a hold on. ++ I adore fashion to bits (though, I still have a lot to learn).++

I am called as Spoiled Brat.
because, I act like one.

Call me, SB.

(I'm feeling: The current mood of littlepinkdevil at

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