Tipsee... Tips!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tips on Shopping

1. Make sure you have a clear idea on what you want to buy. Unlike me, who usually tires herself out by transferring from one boutique to another because I can't decide on what to buy.

2. Decide on how much is your budget. Because if not, there maybe be a tendency for you to overspend.

3. Go shopping with friends. That way, your friends can help you pick out clothes that look good on you and those that don't. AND, they can definitely tell you what you should buy and NOT buy. Unlike me, who went shopping ALONE.

4. Be nice to the employees. And, they will be nice to you. So, TRUE. Because, rude customers get the crappiest assistance.

5. Be patient when waiting in line to get into a dressing room. Wait, calmly. DON'T stomp your foot. DON'T grumble or complain if the person before you takes a long time. DON'T EVER be little-miss-prissy-pants. EVER.

6. Be wary on how you look when wearing the clothes. It's important for you to buy clothes that make you feel comfortable, pretty and give you the utmost confidence.

7. Be patient also when waiting for the salesperson to come back from the storage room. While waiting, why not browse on other items? Who knows maybe you'll find a rare item that you hadn't noticed before.

And, LASTLY...

8. Smile and say 'Thank you' as the cashier hands you your purchase. Trust me, you probably brightened up their day.

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posted at 12:51 PM

♥♥ | ♥♥


'Sweet Cravings' is a collection of my moments in life, interests and thoughts on fashion.
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